Friday, October 17, 2008


I'm upset. I'm angry. I'm tired. I don't know what to say. I shout. I scream. I cry. I hit. I say "I don't want you". I say "I don't like you".

Everybody gets angry. They get upset. They shout at me. They scold me. They lecture me. They hit me.

Nothing I do pleases anyone. Everybody says "NO!", "You cannot do that!", "Stop it!" to almost everything I do. I am always wrong, even with the things I say.

I told Mummy that she doesn't love me anymore, nobody loves me anymore. I am sad. Nobody understands me anymore.


At 3:33 PM, October 25, 2008 , Blogger Leonard said...

Hey Gabriel,

you'll be sitting at your desk in the office reading this instead of doing your work - you're not supposed to be surfing the web, but working on that powerpoint 2038 slidedeck your manager is waiting for.

But anyway, looking back, you were a restless boy when you were young. Full of energy (kinetic and potential), always looking for adventure and very insistent on getting things done. In a positive word, it's eagerness, in a negative word, it's naughty. You drove everyone crazy with your screaming, but then again, it would mean you would become a fiercely strong-willed person, knowing what he wants and not backing down, not giving in. Well, sometimes you have to give-in because this world is about working together with others, collaboration and teamwork - concepts you will soon learn and master.

Don't think for a moment that people don't love you - they do. As the saying goes, "this woo shall pass". You go to school next year and I'm sure things are uphill from there once you get to experience a classroom environment with lots of other boys and girls your age.

You will grow up to be a fine young man. It's just the initial years that are tough as you struggle to find your place on this earth and within your heart.

Now back to work. That slidedeck still needs to be worked on.


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