Turning two has been a trying milestone for us. Gabriel has been falling sick more often these days. Coughs can be triggered by eating too many prawns or too much fried food, both which he love very much. Flu ding-donging from me to him, to Fred and back to him again and it's been non-stop for a long time already.
Being sick so often should mean he is cranky and grouchy most times, but in his case. He is as jumpy, energetic, hyper and happy!! Getting him to rest and sleep is not easy unless I give him sleep-inducing medicine (Nothing to be worried about, it's just the usual cold meds) :)
He also has his fair share of being a Terrible-Two Year Old. There are tantrum-throwings, crying and fussing for the smallest stuff and being an even more OCD boy. He cannot have his fork or spoon "dirtied" by his food. He also fusses because his stroller's wheels are wet or have leaves stuck on them. Weird huh?
There are times for being a Terrific-Two too. He has some kind of sixth sense when it comes to how I feel on any day. On my bad days, he is so sweet and always smothers me with kisses and hugs for no reason at all. He is a lot more cooperative and obedient then as well, and even remembers to let me know that he needs to pee.