Friday, June 30, 2006

Shopping with Mummy

Two days ago, on Wednesday, Mummy decided to go shopping with Aunty Celest and Aunty Debbie. This time, the whole gang went. This meant it was Aunty Celest, Gege Nigel and Shannon, Aunty Debbie and Saffie, Aunty Isti, Mummy and I.

Daddy had to work, so he had no chance to follow us. He dropped us at the train station and I was so excited since it was my first trip on the MRT. I'm not sure if it's my first trip, but I think it is as far as I can remember. Gege Nigel and Saffie were singing "The Wheels of the Bus Go Round and Round" quite loudly and we were all having fun!

We went to Takashimaya and had lunch at Yoshinoya. Nope, it may sound like Japan, but it's actually in the heart of Orchard Road in Singapore! I had lots of fun looking at things, and people, and also napping here and there in my comfy pram. At that level I get to see many people's legs too.. how exciting.

I really enjoy shopping, especially with Mummy around. She makes me feels so secure. It's a pity Mummy didn't take any pictures, so I'll just put up the pictures we took at Christmas time 2005 along Orchard Road. That was my very first Christmas and Mummy and Daddy wanted to show me the lights! Ooh, I was really young then, hmm? Have I grown?

Catch you all real soon!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Can't sleep again!

It's past 1 am and I can't sleep again! I think it's the World Cup and Wimbledon. So I watched Nadal play against Bogdanovic and win in straight sets. Good performance by the latter, but not good enough. Daddy was impressed at my clapping at the correct times!

Then I watched the first half of the match between Spain and France which was 1-1 before I finally fell back asleep. What an exciting match! Too much to do tomorrow so I couldn't stay up anymore.

Before that, I was busy chatting, emailing and updating my blogsite.

It's going to be more difficult to sleep, with all these Competitions going on. Sometimes, I watch Major League Baseball with Daddy too.

Goodnight everyone! It's already 4am!

My new PDA

What with my busy schedules and all, daddy decided to give me his old PDA. It's an old Ipaq 5450, but has good biometric security which requires my fingerprint to unlock. Unreal! All my data is safely protected from prying eyes. Not even daddy or mummy can get to the folders in this baby...

I'm listening to internet radio over Wi-fi, and sometimes, I skype too. If you need my skype nick, email me..

I've been learning how to write, but the stylus is so slim, so it's quite difficult to hold it properly. I'll get it soon! Click the picture to see what I've written!

Catch you all soon!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Happy 1st Birthday Bernadette!!

Yesterday, we went to celebrate Bernadette's birthday (Uncle Alex and Aunty Gina's 2nd daughter) at this cool Brazil Samba Restaurant.

A very steady Uncle Simon carrying Bernadette. I'm crying for mummy right now.. she's behind the lens.

Today is your birthday, the 27th of June!
Happy Happy 1st Birthday Bernadette!!

I was quite grouchy as it was pretty dark. I also couldn't really see what mummy was feeding me. All I could see was this huge plate of different types of meat piled up on Uncle Mervin's plate. Just looking at the food gave me such a stomach-ache.

We all had a good time, though I didn't really let mummy eat very much. Daddy was gaseous the whole night from all that meat.. woo.. could smell it in my sleep. That probably gassed me out till 5.30am!

England wins, Alonso wins, Portugal wins, and I love walking!

Today in the world cup, England made it through. Fernando Alonso won in the Canadian Grand Prix. Portugal won Holland.. and I am walking! With some help of course.

Actually, I started holding things and walking around already for a while, but daddy never got any pictures. Here are a few pictures! I used to find it difficult to control where I go, but I'm getting so much better these days!

My favourite is the blue stool in my room. It glides around on the floor very well., but it's very unglam to be seen pushing it along. No wonder daddy never took a picture of me and it.

See you soon!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Uncle Bernard and Aunty Roanne's Wedding

Last Tuesday (20-06-2006), Uncle Bernard and Aunty Roanne got married. They had their wedding in the afternoon in OLPS. Daddy had to go and do his "brotherly" duties. I think daddy's got some pictures. Maybe too incriminating to put them up on my site, so we shall leave them out. Here's a picture of them.

At night, we went for dinner at Conrad International. The food was fantastic, but mummy only let me have the veggies. I think she wants me to save my cholesterol for my own takings, later in life.

Uncle Bernard was highly drunk. Here are 2 pictures of him in his drunken state.

And after a few rounds of regurgitating (or vomitting, for adults) in his room toilet after the dinner, he wanted to drink more. I was already getting very tired and grouchy, or else, as daddy mentioned, things may have gotten further out of hand. (I'm not really sure what that meant, but Uncle Gene and Aunty Sharon seem to be quite "knowing" from what I gathered)

Later that night, I did the same pose as Uncle Bernard, in my sleep.

See you all soon!

*Splash Splash*

Gabriel had a taste of splashing water many months back in a blown-up pool of Nigel's. He was quite afraid of the water initially, probably because the water was cold. But once he started splashing and hitting the water, he was having great fun!!

Nigel was having more fun splashing water at everyone and everything.

Say "Cheese!!"

*Splash Splash*

"Yeehar!! That was fun!!"

He hadn't had a swim for a while now. We have been talking about bringing him to a real pool but... Hopefully we will be able to do it soon as Gabriel loves playing with water. Maybe he can be the next Ian Thorpe....

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Cute pictures from Mummy's phone

Daddy finally got down to getting the pictures out from Mummy's phone on Sunday. So, he's a whole lot of pictures which you missed since a long while back.. I look so funny in some of these.. Don't laugh okay? I was pretty botak then too!

Hi there!Multi shots!

I love smiling!Hello!

Zzzzz ZzzzzDaddy is spoiling the picture!

My toothless grinSay Cheese?!?

Kuci kuci!!Daddy's squashing me!

With mummy in HRCI'm feeling sleeping after posing!

There's probably 300 more shots.. Will choose some more nice ones soon!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I wish, I wish...

When Gabriel was born, he stayed in whatever position we put him and not move unless we move him. At that time, I couldn't wait for him to start turning. He did and I wanted more. I wished for him to be able to sit. Soon enough, he sat. It was not enough for me and I wanted him to start crawling. He started doing so and crawled all over. We were worried about putting him on our bed as he might just fall over. I started hoping for him to start walking.

He is able to stand on his own now, and cruising around while holding on to things around him. He should be walking soon. And by then, I'm not sure what I will be hoping for next. My friends tell me that I am mad to be wishing for him to be so mobile so soon. They wished their kids are still in the infant stage. I'm the opposite though. I can't wait for him to be independent. Not sure if I will regret later on, but for now, I can't wait for him to be walking soon. :)

Gabriel with Fred on Father's Day. "Happy Father's Day, daddy!!"

Hallo?? Are you there?

Gabriel has just started standing on his own, without help, 2 weeks ago. Before doing that, he was doing a lot of this "tongeng" stance. Maybe he likes looking at the world upside down... "Hallo, hallo?? Are you there, mummy?"

And just 2 weeks ago, while playing with Nigel's butterfly toy which has a long handle, somehow he just stood up!! Ever since then, he loves standing and posing as all of us will be cheering and clapping for him. He even stood and clapped at the same time today!

Here's a picture of him standing on our bed. I was trying to clean him up for bed but he obviously had better ideas...

Can't wait for him to start walking.. :)

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Boy Eating Giraffe!!!

Don't know if anyone of you have ever seen a boy eating giraffe... But here's one!

Here's a view from the side.. I'm chomping on Gerry's cute nose.

Oh yes, that's his name, Gerry the Giraffe. He does keep me occupied and entertained.. he hops around and loves to kiss me. I have learned to kiss mummy and daddy (with sound), much thanks to Gerry the Giraffe's help!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

World Cup Fever

Mummy allows me to watch the matches on tv when I wake up in the middle of the night. She says I do fall asleep a little faster, as compared to watching CSI. (Hey, CSI does show at 3am!)

The only trouble is that if the volume is up, I'd wake my snoring Daddy. Mummy's solution was fantastic. She got me Wireless Sennheisers! This baby has surround sound too! I'm so happy now! I sometimes watch tv with mummy as well.. She loves those cooking shows.

Thumbs up to the great sound!!

Daddy put this picture up for the world to see at Singapore's 4 Million Smiles Page
It's supposed to be Singapore's 4 million smiles to greet the world.

Where's that volume control?

Alrighty, back to the World Cup now.. I'm rooting for Germany.. Ja!

Catch you all real real soon!

Friday, June 16, 2006

Time-Out with Daddy

Mummy went for a yoga session yesterday, so daddy had to take care of me for a while. After dropping mummy off in town, we drove to Botanical Gardens.

Incidentally, we went there last week with Uncle Kenneth, Aunty Christine and Kor Kor Joshua, but Uncle Kenneth hasn't sent us the pictures yet. So Daddy decided to get some pictures himself, I guess.

Here's me chilling. I look grumpy because I just woke up.

Close up.


And outside the Ginger Gardens.

I was still really sleepy..

Here's a last picture of me near a small waterfall.. it was so loud, I couldn't hear myself think!

I decided to be a good boy and not scream all the way back.. (only half the way).. Ooh, I sure missed Mummy!

See you all soon!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

My Por Por and Kong Kong

This is Gabriel with his Por Por and Kong Kong (my mum and dad) who live in Kajang, Malaysia. This picture was taken in March, I think. And that was the last time they saw him... my mum misses him a lot and is always calling me asking for him. Maybe we should make a trip back soon... when Fred is more free.

Han Qing, my sister's boy, is 2 months older than Gabriel. My mum is helping to look after him during the day while my sister goes to work. 2 little bundle of joy for my parents... so cute!!