Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I dreamt of a pandan cake

Just before he went to bed tonight,

G: Mummy, can you buy pandan cake for me tomorrow?
M: Why?
G: Because I dreamt I was eating a big pandan cake last night.
M: :)

Hopefully he's only dreaming of food and not of big cars and toys.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Quack Quack

Guess where we were?
Daddy and Mummy took me on a Duck Tour one evening. It was really fun
especially when the boat went bumpity bump. And Daddy even bought me a
duck whistle. *quack quack*

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Never do this at home

We can only do this in a hotel, never at home.

Ahhhh... if only we could do this everyday. Time to get a trampoline. :)

Monday, June 01, 2009

Hot, hot, hot!!!

It's been way too warm these days, warm enough to stop me from doing anything at all. I've been perspiring too much, from the moment I wake up til I go to sleep. The weather is making me tired, and most of the time lazy. To make things worse, it's holiday time. And we are cracking our brains to find things to occupy the little one. Things which do not involve sweating like cows. :)