Friday, May 30, 2008


Something father and son enjoy doing together these days. I don't
really approve of it but well, they are enjoying themselves aren't they?

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Tower of Power

According to the little one, we live on the top level of one of these


Sunday, May 25, 2008

My Baby Oakleys

Everyone knows Daddy wears nothing but Oakleys. Day OR night. Well, he
went crazy and bought me 2 pairs of Baby Os when we were in USA.

I like this pair better. The iridium coating lets me look around
without people knowing where I'm actually looking. And I fall asleep
without Mummy and Daddy knowing too!

Pancakes at Old McDonald's

I made Mummy and Daddy laugh the other day with something I said. I'm
not too sure why.

At 8.34am on Thursday morning,
G : Daddy! We go Old McDonald's eat breakfast?
D : Go where?
G : Old McDonald's eat pancakes?
Mummy and Daddy started laughing and I laughed along with them. As
long as the meant I could get pancakes at Old McDonald's!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Practicing My Acrobatics!

Since we were in the pool, I took the opportunity to do my balancing

D : "No laughing, Gabriel!"
G : "hee hee hee!!"

Daddy's short legs were making me giggle!! He looked so funny!!

Riding on a Turtle!

Today we went to a swimming pool and I had soooooo much fun riding on
my Daddy the turtle!!

I think Daddy's arms must have hurt bigtime!! Hee hee!

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Hanging around on the way to the market.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Headless Daddy!

I'm still trying to perfect my picture taking with Daddy's phone.
There are plenty of misses and a few hits.

Here's one example. Picture is quite clear but composition is a little

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Squelch squelch

Gabriel pretending to be a snail by stuffing himself into a cushion

Want a Pocky anybody?

Hey everyone! How are you doing? I hope you're enjoying your long
weekend since Vesak Day is a public holiday on Monday.

As usual, I'm out having lots of fun! Nah... this picture was taken a
long time ago, when I was much younger and had 3 wheels in my ride.
Now, I've got 4!!! No, it's not an ATV (All Terrain Vehicle)... it's
my new bicycle!! I'm sure you've seen the pictures, right?

Anyway, if anyone wants a Pocky, please ask my Mummy. She seems to
have a stash of it in her handbag!!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

My Nest

I love playing pretend. Here, I've piled up some pillows at the head
of Mummy and Daddy's bed and I'm pretending that I'm a little bird.

"Daddy, look! I'm perching on my nest!"

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Practicing My Brush Strokes

When I'm in the mood, I ask Mummy to let me paint. No, not the walls
of the rooms.

I practice so one day I can be a famous painter! Hopefully!

I'm the King of the World!

From up here, I can see the Blue Earth!
I like standing on Daddy's shoulders and Daddy always tells me not to laugh!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Shiny and Clean

There! The floor is nice and clean!!

What would Mummy and Daddy do without me??!?

Being a Good Boy

I noticed that the floor was a little dirty today, so as Mummy was
cooking and Daddy was decorating my room, I decided to help out to the
best of my ability.

Am I a good boy?

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Towkay Gabriel

I'm already sitting like a towkay (Hokkien for "big boss") these days!
When I grow up, I'm going to have a fleet of cement mixers, dump
trucks, cranes, diggers and maybe even my own stone quarry!!

Just watch me!

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Peek a boo!! You found me!!

Friday, May 09, 2008

Close Up

Here's my baby, Gabriel, really really close up!

He's not really a baby anymore, but he'll always be MY BABY.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Toy Train

"This is the most beautiful train I've seen!" he told Fred this
morning when I set the tracks up for him.

Later in the evening,

M: Don't let your train run when you're not there, please.
G: Not run. Move.
M: Why can't it run?
G: It has no legs and hands.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Hello there!

What are you looking at? Like my new shades? My daddy got it for me. :)