Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Difficult Questions

Lately, Gabriel has been asking me a lot of questions about God and Jesus. I try my best to answer them in a way such that it won't confuse him even more. It is difficult...so very difficult. Most of the time I am astounded as his questions get "deeper". We had one such conversation early this morning.

He took the crucifix I'd placed on my table. After looking at it for a while,

G: Mummy, why is Jesus naked? (please pardon his vocabulary)
M: When the bad people took him, they took away his clothes.
G: What happened to Jesus after that?
M: He was tortured and he died.
G: Then what happened?
M: He went to heaven to be with God.
After thinking for a while,
G: Did he get his clothes back from the bad people?
M: Hmmmmm........ Let's ask Daddy later, ok?
M: *phew*

Fred is my saviour most of the time when I'm faced with "difficult" questions. :)

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Day Out at the Zoo

Daddy had one of those rare Saturday afternoons free today and I wanted to go to the zoo!
I go to see many of my "favourite" animals.. like tigers, hippos, rhinos, giraffes, dragons, tortoises and the list goes on!
What a treat!
Here's a picture of me tickling an otter.. yeah, it's a statue.. or else, I wouldn't dare touch it!

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Chinese New Year Dragon Dance

My friend Joshua and I went for Art Class yesterday and made a bunch of dragons!
Do they look scary?
(Chang chang chang chang chang chang chang)
Can you imagine our dragons dancing?