Sunday, November 22, 2009

Edible Coupons

This morning while having breakfast, Gabriel heard his mama (grandmother) reading something out from the newspaper.

M: Oh, there are yummy coupons for food here.
G: *ears pricked* Huh? Yummy coupons? What is it? Is it nice?
M: No, it's coupons to buy food. You can't eat them.
G: Then why did you say it's yummy??? *sounded irritated*

I was laughing my head off. What a great way to start my day! Of course I had to explain to him what his mama said and what coupons are later on.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Role Model

Last night, while he was sitting on the toilet bowl,

G: Daddy, can you give me my Berenstein Bear book?
D: Huh? You want to read while doing your big "er-er"? (passing motion)
G: Yes, I want to be like Uncle Leonard.
D: *slap head*

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What to do?

The school holiday is just around the corner and I am frantically looking for holiday programmes to occupy Gabriel. If not, he'll be bugging me everyday - "What are we going to do today?" It's not easy trying to fit the activities to the dates perfectly as most of them coincide with one another. But so far, we have a trip to Kajang, a wedding, a doctor's appointment and a concert on the calender. And that is good. So, it's going to be a busy busy holiday for us.

Photo - 18.11.2009

Monday, November 09, 2009


His first formal concert in his kindy. His teachers did a good job
getting these really cute outfit for them.

He had a great time even though he was super grouchy by the time the
concert ended.

Talking to the wall?

That's mostly the case when Gabriel talks. Nobody hears him, except
us, his parents. Of course. Sad but it's true.

Sent from my iPhone

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Di Di Raphael and I!

Here's a few pictures of us tonight!
Di Di was sleeping the whole day and he was in a great mood for pictures! Nice!
We read with him after that. I think Di Di Raphael really enjoyed the stories in Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs!