Friday, November 24, 2006

A bundle of joy....

and a bigger bundle of energy too. Watching Gabriel play, move around and climbing onto chairs and stairs really makes me tired nowadays. Where did that little body of his get so much of energy from?? I am having trouble catching up with him on some days. So, it's either me getting old or he is just too full of energy.

He is also the king of repetition. He can go up and down the couch, chair or steps, for at least 20 times. Looking at him do that makes me really exhausted! He is also doing great at following the leader these days. In other words, being a copycat. The moment anyone does anything new, he will be at it the next moment. Quite scary for us as he will be standing on the couch, swinging from the gate, climbing the gate, etc. We have to watch him like a hawk! Just this morning he tripped and fell and hit the edge of a table. He got a small cut at the corner of his eyelid. It could have hit his eye.

Turning 16 months is also a milestone I think. All of a sudden he is repeating everything I say. He is trying to widen his vocabulary now, something he was not doing before. It is so cute and fun to hear him repeat every word I say. Funny and weird pronounciations are abound as he is still not able to pronounce certain alphabets yet. Very fun and interesting. He is also babbling a lot more now and sometimes they do sound right. Anything with buttons is a phone to him. He looks so cute when he starts talking (more like babbling) to the remote control which he holds to his ear.

Everyday, we will learn something new from him about him. Today, whilst Fred was reading to him, I actually asked him to ask Gabriel what the items were, instead of telling him what they were, and to our surprise, he could actually say the words, albeit a little muffled. But we knew clearly that he knew what the things were. You should hear when he says "bus" or "watch". The emphasis on the "ss" and "ch" are very pronounced.

We try our best to show him and tell him new things as often as possible, to ensure his vocabulary is large and knowledge expansive. This should also ensure his repertoire is not limited to just the usual things kids learn. Hopefully he will be able to do some algebraic math by 4 years old too. Fred's dreaming of that already. I overheard him trying to teach Gabriel a little French too. "Ah, Bay, Say, Day, Ooh..."

Whatever goes on, he's still our little bundle of joy every single day..


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