Sunday, October 15, 2006

What's Cooking?

Since we came back from Austria, Gabriel's eating habit has never been the same again. Sigh... it means that he is now quite choosy of what he wants to put into his mouth. No more big mouth for every spoonful of porridge which I spend a long time making in the hot kitchen. No more eating his food in less than 20 minutes. No more easy to clean Gabriel and the area around him.

Not only does he love noodles, he also wants to eat it with his hands and fingers. Thankfully after a while, he has widened his food range to include pasta and also rice, all using his hands. Imagine the mess around him and on him!! Half the food ends up on the floor, his clothes, his hands and his face. (probably saving some for supper..) And half the time he is enjoying himself with the food, playing I mean.

After a week or so, now he is totally obsessed with forks and chopsticks. He eats his noodles with a fork now, with my help, so that the mess is minimised. He has always liked chopsticks. He picked that up from Vienna when he saw us using them to eat. Just today he was using them to eat cheerios. He poked the chopstick right through the centre of the cereal. Smart huh? Other times, he would just poke his chopsticks everywhere. My food is definitely not spared. So now, instead of slogging for an hour in the kitchen cooking porridge which he doesn't want, he just eats whatever I eat. If we are out, I would have to order a noodles and soup dish. No more laksa or curry for the time being. At home he eats rice and some dishes. Porridge only once in a blue moon when I feel that I have to replenish some nutirents for him.

Gabriel is also growing fast. He only needs to look at you doing something once and the next thing you see is him doing the exact same thing. There is always something new from him everyday. It is really nice of course, for me to witness these development changes in him. But he may just shock me with something outrageous as well, like him putting his whole hand into Fred's aquarium that day. Thank goodness Fred doesn't rear pirahnas. :)


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