More pictures
(continued from previous post)
Smiling gets me everywhere! Really!
(continued from previous post)
I took a while to post these pictures from our outing on Gabriel's birthday as we got quite busy with stuff. It was a rainy morning but we still went ahead with what was planned. First stop, Hay Dairies. Fred didn't know that there was a goat farm here in Singapore. So suaku..
Our little boy is already TWO! A quick update on his development.
It's my birthday today and I started today with a bang.... by waking up at 7am!!
Thank you everyone for coming to my birthday party!
Thank you for all the presents and for coming to celebrate my birthday with me!
Short list of Thank yous to :
Uncle Leo and Aunty Celest, Nigel and Shannon
Godpa Colin and Godma Yong Yong, Alexis and Ashlee
Uncle Mervin and Aunty Debbie, Saffy
Uncle Kenneth and Aunty Christine, Joshua
Aunty Lynette and Charlotte
Uncle Alex and Aunty Gina, Elizabeth and Bernadette
Uncle Wee Meng and Aunty Joan, Caleb
Uncle Gene and Aunty Sharon, Joanne, Jillian and Jared
Uncle Bernard and Aunty Roanne
Uncle Doctor Suresh Nair
and of course Mama and Kong Kong!
I love you, Mummy, for taking so much of your effort to throw this party for me and my friends! I appreciate it so much! Muaaaah!
I hope to see all of you again soon!!
Gabriel was born in the morning, about 7.30am. Perhaps that is the reason why he is an early bird now, really early. He is always up by 7am, at about 6.30am to be exact. Expert says sleeping early and rising early is healthy for kids. Not too healthy for mummy who sleeps late and have to rise early though. He doesn't even sleep early, at about 10 or 10.30pm and sometimes later. Not because I don't want to put him to bed early, because he doesn't want to. So he sleeps for only 7-8 hours at night. Furthermore he still wakes up once or twice a night. Naps for 2-3 hours in the day. Terrible sleeping habit. Sleeping is probably his least favourite thing to do. He is not bothered by it but I am. I am drained and totally lacking sleep. :(