Sunday, July 02, 2006


SAHM? Well, that means Stay-at-home-Mum. I've been called that for almost a year now. Friends ask how I am coping. I am loving it actually! Almost every day! First, I don't have to wake up at six every morning :) Then, I don't have to slog everyday marking assessments non-stop. I don't have to face some very naughty kids. Well, I am enjoying my life I must say.

But those are not the actual reasons I am a SAHM. The idea of leaving Gabriel to grow up with someone else other than myself is quite unbearable. I love being woken up by him every morning (I am not refering to the 2am-6am kind of Gabriel-alarm). Watching him do his things everyday is a joy. I am the first to know all the new things that he does. He responds to me so much better now and we are communicating really well, with me talking and him babbling. And nobody understands him better than myself. Nice, isn't it?

Some parts of me do miss going to work. I am only afraid that when I am finally ready to do that, I am not able to handle what I was really good at before. I have friends who are envious of me, being able to stay home. They said that they cannot afford to do so as it's a burden financially. Well, we are not rich and Fred is not really earning tonnes. We are just surviving with what we have. We don't spend when we don't need to. It's not that we can really afford having me stay home. It is a choice we made. And with that there are many sacrifices we have made.

Whatever it is, I am enjoying myself now. Watching Gabriel grow in every way is something money can't buy. Gabriel is growing really fast and I am blessed to be able to witness that everyday!!


At 10:51 AM, July 10, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fully agree


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